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Indo Sri Lankan Relations and the BIMSTEC A New Perspective based on the UDA Framework
UDA Framework for Effective Realization of SAGAR vision | A Highl Level Dialogue
Session 2 Maritime Domain Awareness | Second #BIMSTEC Think Tanks Dialogue on Regional Security
UDA Framework for Effective Internal and Coastal Security in the Indo Pacific | MRC Webinar
Australia, United Kingdom and the United States (AUKUS) A New Perspective based on the UDA Framework
PIOSC 2024 – Phase III - Underwater Domain Awareness: Security and economic dimensions
The Underwater Domain by Dr. (Cdr) Arnab Das
Commodore Somen Banerjee shares his thoughts on Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA)
The Path to Economic Revival, Innovation to lead Sri Lanka? l BiZnomics Sri Lanka
UDA Framework for Effective Blue Frontiers in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
KDU IRC_2017_Dr Bandula Wijay
“Energy Cooperation in South Asia” - A book talk